Luke Bloomer

Luke Bloomer

Qualifications: LLB (Hons), PgDipSW, MA (Social Work), BPTC VC
Call: 2021

Prior to coming to the Bar, Luke practised as a Social Worker specialising in adult mental health. Luke worked in Local Authority Specialist and Complex Mental Health Teams, Forensic Social Work Teams and latterly as a Lead Clinical Practitioner within an Acute Liaison Mental Health Service providing crisis support and risk assessment to patients within an acute physical health setting. In addition to working at the Bar, Luke also sits as an Associate Hospital Manager for a mental health trust where he considers, along with a panel, whether patients continue to meet the criteria for detention / Community Treatment Order under the Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended).

Luke has experience in appearing before Associate Hospital Managers' panels and the First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health) as a Social Worker. Luke had also been professionally involved in section 21A applications before the Court of Protection.

Luke has appeared before the Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Justice to provide Northern Irish Parliamentarians with a briefing of the effectiveness and implementation of Family Drug and Alcohol Courts in Northern Ireland.

In 2015, Luke was appointed by the Ministry of Justice to be a member of the Independent Monitoring Board at Her Majesty’s Prison Norwich.

Luke also served as a Panel Member to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk where he provided independent advice along with the panel on a range of matters affecting the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Luke is an International Mediation Institute Qualified Mediator and has an interest in mediating in disputes involving Local Authorities/Adult Social Care matters.

Luke’s area of practice are family law (public and private children’s law) and mental health / mental capacity.

Luke has obtained Briefed’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion accreditation