Philip W Jones

Philip W Jones

Philip is a likeable and approachable Counsel and after practising for many years he has gained an extremely strong background in family law.

His practice includes both public and family law matters. In Public Law, he acts for both local authorities, parents and children and has experience in undertaking instructions concerning neglect, drug abuse, unexplained injuries and domestic violence. Philip acts in Court at levels from ICO EPO and direction hearings up to contested multi-day final hearings.

Within the area of private law, Philip’s practice is directed towards issues about contact or domestic violence concerning cases were there has been allegations of neglect, violence or abuse. Philip deals with all types of hearings at all levels from direction hearings to fact finds and final hearings.

Philip also deals with matrimonial family finance, FDA hearings through to final hearings.

Philip can also take instructions on applications to the immigration tribunal and is a experienced representative for applicants at hearings at both tier one and two.

Socially, Philip is a keen falconer and an outdoor enthusiast and has extensive mountaineering experience, having once climbed the north wall of the Eiger and the north face of the Matterhorn.